Monday, August 17, 2020

Facial aesthetics in Belfast | facial fillers belfast


Facial aesthetics in Belfast  medicine includes all the treatments that correct, eliminate and perfect facial defects: biorevitalization, biostimulation, botox. Get for more information: 07452 949448

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Juvederm Lip Injections in Belfast- Lip fillers for men and women

If you're searching for Juvederm Lip Injections in Belfast or lip augmenting treatments in Belfast, for those perfect fuller lips from Aspire aesthetics in Northern Ireland, Belfast.: Get for more information: 07452 949448

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Sunday, August 16, 2020

How to recognize the professional beauticia

 Is the beautician you are relying on really the right one for you? The first sign of professionalism comes from the customer history sheet. In this article, we analyze the fundamental elements that this tool must present to be effective.

Discover them now!

Client history sheet: how to recognize the professional beauticia 

A profession like that of the beautician is based - more than many others undoubtedly - on the personalization of the service offered.

Work standards must be high to achieve customer satisfaction.

The greatest benefit of an anamnesis conducted in an impeccable way by the beautician is that it makes the experience lived by the client in the beauty center extraordinary.

If the external appearance is exploited to its maximum potential, our psychological well-being also benefits

We feel better about ourselves, more attractive, we talk more willingly with others. There are numerous cases of customers who have changed their attitude towards life, feeling more self-confident: skin of the face without imperfections, toned body, well-kept hands and feet are not just details but fundamental parts of us.

The professional beautician takes an interest in his client and listens actively to her. Secondly, he completes the customer form , asking the questions most in line with his needs.

Complete check up: what it consists of

Entering a beauty center is a form of love for ourselves!

It is the moment when everything disappears outside the front door. Once you cross the threshold, you can isolate yourself from the rest of the world and finally spend time with yourself. And watch you: we always go too fast and often forget to even look closely.

The professional beautician knows that the first step to take is precisely this rapprochement of the client with herself, her face and her body.


A complete check-up consists of:

1. A face history. The professional observes the client's skin with the naked eye, focusing first of all on the classic T-zone (forehead, nose, chin). These are the areas most subject to impurities: they require deeper and purifying treatments, compared to the skin of the cheeks for example. We also evaluate:

·         ph

·         phototype

·         brightness

The evaluation continues: we examine the health of the skin of the face through touch. In fact, through contact with the fingertips of the hands we evaluate:

·         tissue tone or dryness

·         the presence of sebum and its possible excess

·         skin thermoregulation

Let's move on to a more in-depth phase of our analysis and use a special tool: the magnifying lamp. In this way we can both illuminate every inch of the epidermis, and have a more precise eye vision and identify dilated pores, rosaceous, small wrinkles and blackheads.

Finally, we resort to technology: thanks to a special handpiece equipped with lens and lights, we are able to make a more precise and safe assessment of the skin, thus also seeing possible impurities and subcutaneous spots.

2. A body medical history. Proceeding with the same method proposed for the analysis of the face, we also evaluate the state of health of the body. The tactile investigation allows to identify contractures and tensions (for example at the level of the back); the visual investigation instead highlights imperfections such as cellulite, varicose veins or the presence of evident capillaries.

We review all the skin of the body, the roughness, the accumulations of fat and the state of well-being of hands, feet and nails.

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To measure the results in the short but above all in the medium and long term, we also note other parameters, such as:

·         body weight

·         water retention

·         lean and fat mass

·         caloric needs

We are almost at the end of our anamnesis; all that remains is to fill in the technical data sheet that we will keep in our database. Finally, we will finally be able to study the therapeutic path to be proposed to our client (personalized and in line with her real needs).

How to make a customer card

Let's start with personal and contact details:

·         name and surname

·         residence

·         age

·         profession

·         telephone number

We proceed with the description of the reasons that prompted our client to go to a beauty center and the objectives that it aims to achieve.

Determining the timing of the program is also important, as it allows the client to know when to expect the first results. The monitoring will be constant over time and there will always be a direct comparison with the beautician to verify the improvements.

In the case of new needs that arise or changes to the action plan established at the start, the dialogue with the beautician remains the crucial point of customer management. For this reason, a professional approach can be recognized right from the start: from active listening in the initial phase to filling in the medical history sheet.

The consultancy continues with the intent to outline treatments as personalized as possible: we continue with the investigation regarding the client's lifestyle. In particular:

·         what are his eating habits

·         if you lead a correct lifestyle (if you smoke for example)

·         if you play sports

·         if you have some free time

·         how often can you dedicate yourself to treatments

Each of these points can be explored vertically. For example, if the client has health problems, then let's deepen the analysis, looking for other information:

·         What are the pathologies you suffer from or have suffered in the past?

·         if you take medications regularly

·         if you have intolerances or allergies to certain substances

·         if you are under medical treatment

What does anamnesis mean?

The term belongs to the medical field and coincides with the collection - very detailed as we have seen - of all the information necessary for a careful evaluation of a patient's condition.

For us, anamnesis means not only physiological investigation and the state of health / well-being of our customers. We like to think of the anamnesis in its original meaning, that belonging to the time of Plato and his philosophy. The anamnesis is then a memory of everything that was before: Plato was referring to an earlier existence, for us it is the project of a new life, with a more beautiful and well cared for body and face.

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Aesthetics: various skin types and consequences of wrong treatments

The goal of the aesthetic history is the protection of the client. Giving up this step to throw yourself into do-it-yourself or replicate the treatment recommended to a friend, means in most cases not getting results (and therefore limited only to the waste of time and money).

Unfortunately, however, there are frequent cases in which the customer visibly worsens their aesthetic conditions, making own goals that are often difficult to recover!

An example?

The most common is drying the skin of the face with purifying and astringent masks. As we have already evaluated, however, the impurities present in the T-zone are common to many women but often the skin around the face or cheeks is normal or even dry. Using an aggressive mask against the sebum is equivalent to altering the ph of the face and peeling the epidermis.

The aesthetic anamnesis of the skin is essential to establish the shock treatments with which to intervene in relation to specific needs or problems.

Making use of this analysis is also important to adjust your daily cosmetic routine ... and discover that sometimes a few simple gestures are enough to save our skin!

In summary, what are the essential benefits of a cosmetic history for face and body?

·         Improve the appearance of your face and body in a few weeks, also raising your mood and finding a smile again

·         Find the ideal solution for you, because the same blemish can have different causes depending on the woman concerned

·         Get better results certain because the advice is personalized and not the usual dispensed in ten minutes of chat

·         You optimize the experience inside the beauty center because you have the opportunity to compare the before and after

·         Correct mistakes in your daily cosmetic routine


Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Medical Face Radio Frequency: a Scalpel-Free Lifting

Safe and long-lasting results thanks to a radio frequency treatment

One of the most popular techniques currently in the field of aesthetic medicine to combat some of the most annoying, and at the same time common, skin blemishes is the medical face radiofrequency. It consists of a treatment that uses radio waves to make the skin more toned and compact, reorganizing the collagen and elastin fibers. It is able to guarantee a long-lasting result, representing a valid alternative for those who prefer not to undergo minor adjustments.


This practice is based on the ability of radio waves to generate heat. It is applied through carefully controlled overheating which never causes pain. The moment it comes into contact with the skin of the face, or even other parts of the body such as the neck or décolleté, it determines a beneficial thermal shock that stimulates the production of new collagen, the most important protein of the connective tissue.


But its effect is not limited to this: when medical face radiofrequency is conveyed to greater depth, vasodilatation occurs which promotes blood circulation, thus reducing water retention and simultaneously increasing the supply of oxygen.

Medical Radio Frequency: A Safe and Long-Lasting Technique

Medical face radiofrequency is therefore a rejuvenation treatment. It is often also performed in beauty centers but the medical one is far better both from the point of view of results and duration of the effect. It is truly effective against all types of wrinkles, especially those found around the eyes. It is also recommended for contrasting:

·         Lip relaxation

·         Relaxation of the contours of the face

·         Acne

·         Wrinkles present in the neck

·         Obvious nasolabial furrows

·         Wrinkled hands

·         Wrinkled skin

This technique is perfectly suitable for adults of all ages, both men and women, thanks to the complete absence of contraindications and side effects. In fact, there is no anesthesia or a recovery period given its absolutely non-invasive nature.

Medical Face Radiofrequency: How the Treatment Takes Place

The average duration of each session is around 30 minutes. Before starting the doctor makes sure that there are no inflammations or dermatitis on the area to be treated. This must also be well cleansed and free of cosmetics. A metal plate is then placed, generally behind the back, which acts as an electrode to attract the radio waves emitted by the handpiece, promoting both overheating and the final result.

Then the machine is activated and slipped on the face, concentrating on the parts where the possibility of wrinkle formation is highest. Once finished, the patient can resume normal daily activities without any kind of discomfort. The absolute absence of complications is also proven by the name with which they call this practice in the USA, or 'the lifting of the lunch break', testifying how it is possible to return to everyday life later.


Aspire Medical Center: Safety and Competence at the Service of Your Face

The beauty of the face, beyond the somatic traits, also depends on us and on the care we reserve for our skin. The passing of the years is not the only factor that marks our face. Also some elements present in the external environment such as cold, sun or smog contribute to its weakening and aging. This is why it is important to protect it, constantly hydrating it and using those tools, such as medical face radiofrequency, capable of preventing or treating all its imperfections. This is possible only by contacting professionals in the sector who are able to respond in the best possible way to every need, using the latest generation of machinery.

In the Aspire Medical Center, a reference structure for medicine Aesthetics in Belfast, you can find all this. Our doctors, with a long experience behind them, will study the specific case by proposing the best solution to the patient. Contact us at any time to request any information; we will be happy to help you find the beauty you were looking for.

Facial aesthetics in Belfast | facial fillers belfast

  Facial aesthetics in Belfast   medicine includes all the treatments that correct, eliminate and perfect facial defects: biorevitalization...